Review of „Godzilla vs Kong” movie. (Without spoilers)

For a long time, I've had the feeling that filmmakers have very specific views. Namely, they think that if they make a movie that is meant to be entertaining, there must absolutely be nothing wise or thought-provoking about it. Unfortunately, "Godzilla vs Kong" fits perfectly into this pattern.

I also saw the opinions of viewers and reviewers that such films are only watched for monster fights. I do not agree with that. Fights are indeed important, but in old Godzilla movies and others with elements of fantasy, there was often room in the plot for more ambitious plots that enriched it a lot. The sad consequence of depriving films of clever elements is that they become very commercial and unforgettable, which makes them very quickly forgotten.

And how is the plot in "Godzilla vs Kong"? Well ... It is not very logical, full of simplifications, banal motifs and very shallow, without any message.

However, I have to admit that the movie was nice to watch, the action scenes were spectacular, although I was a bit disturbed by the speed and agility of the Kong despite its large size, and the locations presented themselves as unusual and unique. Some scenes were very interesting, e.g. those in which the deaf girl is the most important character are deprived of sound. There were also some scenes referring to the original 1962 movie "Kong vs Godzilla", but I was very surprised by the lack of music from old movies and the fact that Godzilla only used his characteristic roar sometimes, most often he had a different voice. The advantage of the film is also that most of the shots are well lit and you can see exactly what is happening, and the camera does not jump to human figures in the most important moments, which was a big problem in the previous film "Godzilla: King of the Monsters".

In conclusion, is this movie worth watching? Definitely yes. For great action scenes and liked monsters in a new version. However, I must warn you not to count on anything more, because if you are fans of old movies or if you like stories have a message or teach something, you can be very disappointed at the screening of the movie "Godzilla vs Kong".


